Midterm exam Decemeber

Your final exam is based on your project and should follow the following instructions

  • Microsoft word 8 pages
  • Font Times New Roman, size 14
  • Line space Double, don't skip lines
  • Don't adjust margins ..normal margins top and bottom, left and right sides should not be adjusted.
  • Do Not add graphs, data tables, pictures, clipart, or diagrams as part of the 8 pages


Grading scale;

  • 8 or more pages= 100%
  • 7.2 pages = 90%
  • 6.4 pages = 80%
  • 5.6 pages = 70%
  • 4.8 pages =60%
  • 4.7 pages or less is an F

Use Footnotes with this format:

  • Copy and past the footnote into you background.
  • Place quotes around the footnote.
  • End the footnote in: parenthesis comma and date

"When Arnold Beckman, a professor of analytical chemistry at the California Institute of Technology, was asked to devise a way to measure acidity in citrus fruit, the resulting “acidometer” revolutionized chemical instrumentation. The innovative features of the pH meter, including its use of integrated electronic technology and all-in-one design, were the basis for subsequent modern instrumentation developed by Beckman and his company." (ACS,2016).